To do list | Towers in Monte Argentario

To do list | Towers in Monte Argentario

For those who are fond of history and nature, Monte Argentario is a paradise!
Let’s leave aside the commercial and residential development going back to the Romans, for another fundamental period of these areas: the Spanish dominion.

The fortification of the coasts

Since the Sienese occupation of 1410 D.C., the coast of the promontory have begun to assume a fundamental role for the control of the sea, but it is with the Spanish domain that they have become a point of reference for the military system.
We are in 1557 D.C., when Monte Argentario becomes part of the State of the Presidi. From this moment sighting towers and defense forts are built throughout the territory; there are about 19 fortifications, some of them are still visitable, others are privates, others unfortunately, are reduced to ruins.

The towers destroyed.

At the end of the Tombolo della Giannella, there are the ruins of the Tower of Santa Liberata. This fortification, from the Sienese era, was detonated during the retreat of the Germans in 1944 and unfortunately, the Torre del Calvello suffered the same fate the year before.
In a private area of ​​the Torre della Cacciarella there is not much left but the base that was used as a warehouse.
Finally, the Torre di Cala Moresca is also reduced to a few stones, whose name derives from the presence of pirates, Moors, who have terrorized the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Torre di Capo D’Uomo overlooking the sea, which is still admired however. which is located above a cliff today loved for those who practice climbing.

The private towers

The purchase of the towers by the private was very practiced already during the first decades of the twentieth century. For example, the Tower of Santa Liberata was at the time a residence of the writer Guelfo Civinini.
They are private: the Tower of La Maddalena, the Fort of Santa Caterina, the Torre dell’Avvoltore, the Torre dell’Acqua, so called because it is located on a source of drinking water, the Torre Ciana and the Torre delle Cannelle.
Reluctantly, therefore, you will have to renounce to visit these places with marvelous views, however there are two compromises: the Torre di Cala Piccola which is part of the homonymous hotel or the Forte Filippo, also used as a tourist facility.

What to visit?

At this point I can only point out what are the fortifications that you can visit and I assure you that it will be a real leap in history.

The Spanish Fortress of Porto Ercole and the Spanish Fortress of Porto Santo Stefano and the marvelous Forte Stella, also in Porto Ercole, are open to the public.
The Fort of Pozzarello instead can be easily reached, but remember that it is abandoned so do not go into it!