Easter in Tuscany, Argentario.

Easter in Tuscany, Argentario.

Arriving almost a month later than 2018, Easter 2019 is decidedly more spring-like.

Green light to breakfasts with croissant and cappuccino in front of the sea, walks during the hottest hours of the day and open-air lunches in one of the many good restaurants that inhabit the promontory.

But what are the events that will accompany this very long time off in Italy ? ( in fact there are a lot of holidays here: Easter, 25th of April that is Liberation day, 1st of May is the Labor Day )

19 – 22 April: Pasquavela in Monte Argentario

Like every year since 1988, the Easter race at Monte Argentario has been repeated, having become one of the historic races on the national scene.

April 28th: ​​XV Spring Festival

Porto Santo Stefano has food stands to have lunch all in front of the beautiful Turquoise Stadium ( the blue sea in front of the main square ) where, around 6.00 pm, a female rowing race will begin. The girls will compete by representing the four districts, a pink advance to the historic race on August 15th.


Do not miss the opportunity to participate in excursions of medium-low difficulty (or high for the most trained) to discover our wonderful territory: the Spanish towers of Monte Argentario, trekking to Giglio or excursions to Giannutri Island .

Not to be forgotten: a visit to the Tarot Garden near Capalbio or the Museum of the ancient City of Cosa or you can simply stroll in the village of Porto Ercole or on the Navigatori Promenade in Porto Santo Stefano.

4th, 5th 6th of May

Although the bridge is finished, this weekend is full of fun! Pirates land in Porto Ercole! Click here to learn more about this spectacular tradition.